Friday, August 22, 2014

What are you doing?

I like to ask people questions to see what kind of responses I get.

Not exactly the question in the subject, but my questions go something like this, We are all human beings correct?  We all have a brain. We all can think.  We all can move around etc...  , so why do the people who are considered "wealthy" think and operate differently than regular people do?  Why can't regular people be the same too?  Is it that they are more intelligent?  Don't you consider yourself intelligent?

So after I ask, sometimes I would get blank looks or most of the time I would get "I don't know" or "That's an interesting question" .  If you were thinking the same response, that's fine.  I always used to wonder myself too.  So why is it?

Well, the answer is simply this : MINDSET.  It's a concept they understand.  This sums it up below:

POOR   = Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly.
RICH     = Residual Income Creates Happiness.

Which of these are you doing right now?
Which do you think is better?  Should be an easy answer.

Unless your mindset changes first, things won't change.  You either stay doing what you're doing for the rest of your life or make a change for the better.  Talk with people that can help you make it happen.  It's never too late to start.  The day you start, is the day change begins.  You just need to be committed to it.

Be Blessed

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