Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Want To Be Successful? Do You Really??

To All The Different Time Zones,

Sometimes I wonder why some people don't really do the things they should be doing to achieve what they really want to achieve.  A lot of people want to achieve success but they are not willing or they are too afraid to make the necessary steps to achieve it.  In one of my previous posts, I wrote on the importance of personal development and I mentioned that personal development requires education and learning.  Below is a piece from that post which spoke on the importance of learning to achieve success.
"Learning is the foundation for all success in life. It is where true success begins. Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process begins. If you want to produce change in your life, if you want to write your future and destiny, then it begins with first recognizing the power and tenacity God has placed and created within you, then educating yourself as to what successful people have done and how they have done it."
Contrary to what you might think, it’s not successful people that are too good to learn anything – they got to where they are by being a student of the game. Quite the contrary, it’s the marginal producers of the world who are typically cynical, inconvincible skeptics. It’s the mediocre performers, the average among the masses, the naysayers and the un-excellent that are the ones who often think they know it all. 
Successful people, on the other hand, live by The Rent Axiom from Southwestern mentioned in Take the Stairs that says “Success is never owned; it is only rented – and the rent is due every day.” 
People who are successful embrace the idea that the rent is due every day. They welcome the challenge. They remain humble, knowing that whatever they did yesterday isn’t enough to last them forever, and they remain hungry, knowing that whatever they’ve accomplished in their past shouldn’t restrict them to what new heights they can achieve in their future. 
Successful people became successful by doing the work that no one else would do. They paid the price that no one else was willing to pay. And they developed the attitude that success isn’t something that is bestowed overnight – but that it’s earned over time. 
Be Blessed Everyone

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