Wednesday, April 1, 2015

#6 Biggest Excuse That Stop You Succeeding by Bernard Marr

The Article: The 7 Biggest Excuses That Stop You Succeeding by Bernard Marr

#6 Big Excuse:  _________ says I can’t/shouldn’t/am not good enough to do this.

" Here’s the thing: nothing amazing, innovative, revolutionary ever came out of a group consensus. In fact, many of the most truly revolutionary ideas were met with a great deal of hostility and skepticism. That TV thing is just a fad. The Internet will never catch on. Who wants to be on Facebook all day long?
The truth is, people are going to disagree with you. They won’t get your vision. They won’t believe in you. 
Doesn’t matter. Only one person needs to believe in what you’re doing when you start, and that’s you."
The Final Excuse comes tomorrow

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